A Guide to Balanced Blood Sugar

flowy wedding dress and veil

Glowing on the outside starts from within. It might sound corny, but ladies… it’s true. If you want to look and feel your best on your wedding day, it’s time to tend to what’s really going on inside your body. And one of the most impactful things to start with? Sugar.

Eating excess refined sugar (or, really… excess sugar, period) throws your blood sugar out of balance. Blood sugar dysregulation not only leads to so many of today’s most rampant and widespread illnesses (diabetes, insulin resistance, and more), but perhaps more immediately of note to those of you getting married… to so many of the symptoms you’re likely actively trying to heal or avoid as you plan for the big day.

So, let’s back it up for a moment and clarify: every time you eat something, your blood sugar will rise; how much it rises depends (partly) on what it is that you’re eating. When your blood sugar increases, your pancreas releases the hormone insulin in order to lower it — your body always, always wants to come into homeostasis (equilibrium), and innately does what it needs to do in order to reach and maintain that equilibrium. So amazing, right?

In a healthy, balanced body, this rise and fall happens at every meal but WITHOUT major extremes (your blood sugar increases slightly, the appropriate amount of insulin is released, and then your blood sugar re-regulates to its baseline level.)

But when you’re eating tons of sugar, foods that turn to sugar in your bloodstream (think: refined carbs like breads + pastas), and processed foods, you end up putting your body on a blood sugar rollercoaster, filled with extreme swings up and extreme drops down… and this rollercoaster causes a constant internal stress.

… So what does all of this actually mean for you? It means a whole lot of symptoms that you definitely DO NOT want to feel on your wedding day:

  • fatigue

  • hanger

  • weight gain

  • acne

  • low energy

  • moodiness / irritability

  • anxiety

  • constant carb cravings + always needing a snack

  • brain fog

  • hormone imbalances

  • trouble sleeping

  • need for stimulants to make it through the day

  • …. and more

The sad truth is that nearly everyone is dealing with some (or ALL) of these symptoms on a daily basis. And for many, they’ve accepted feeling this way as simply their “normal.” Please hear me when I tell you: this isn’t normal, and you deserve to feel better. Period.

So here are 5 quick + easy tips for you to implement to avoid the sugar rollercoaster:

  1. Stress management

    Chronic stress creates excess cortisol in the body, which further disrupts blood sugar levels.

  2. Nutrient dense, high quality foods

    In doing so, you’ll naturally edge out processed, sugar-filled inflammatory foods.

  3. Avoid sugar at breakfast

    Sugar at breakfast essentially guarantee a day on the blood sugar rollercoaster. I encourage you to view breakfast as an amazing opportunity to set yourself up for success with fats and protein.

  4. Watch the stimulants

    The caffeine rollercoaster is another beast of its own, and can burn out the adrenals, increase cortisol output, and mess with your blood sugar.

  5. Hydrate!

    Dehydration is a massive source of stress on the body… and remember, we’re aiming to reduce our stress here.

I hope you found this helpful! Always remember that while there is so much we can’t control, what we choose to nourish our bodies with is something we can control. Every time you eat is an opportunity to nourish yourself, serve your body, and take the steps towards feeling your absolute best.

Ready to become the glowing bride you DESERVE to be? Then I’m ready to guide you there. Take a look at the different ways we can work together here!

Curious to learn more & see if bridal nutrition is right for you? Schedule a FREE clarity call and let’s chat about it!

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