How I Eliminated Food Guilt + Restriction From My Life

Hanna Sender founder of Bride and Bliss

My brides-to-be seeking nutrition and wellness support all share something in common: among many other goals, they want to eliminate the feelings of food guilt that have plagued them for much of their lives.

Thankfully, this is something I can speak to quite well - I’ve been where they are. I used to monitor my small and unsatisfying portions, weigh my 3oz of bland and boring chicken breast, count my allotted calories, measure out the teaspoon of oil I was allowed to cook with. Then I got sick of feeling deprived and dissatisfied, so for a few years in college I went in the total opposite direction: eating whatever junk I wanted, in whichever quantity I wanted, whenever I wanted. Then I reeled it in. Then I fell back off. Then I reeled it in. Then I fell back off. You get it. ⁣⁣⁣⁣Chances are, you’ve lived it. Maybe you’re still living it?

I’m now on the other side of this restrictive lifestyle and I have to tell you… it feels nothing short of amazing. Eating our meals without the accompaniment of guilt, shame, self hatred, and restricting is something we all deserve. So how do we get there?

I can tell you that for me, my overall wellness and wellbeing truly shifted when I stopped focusing on calories/carbs/limiting portions/which diet to try next, and started focusing on the QUALITY of what I was consuming. It really can be as simple as that.

You see, when you decide that food is nourishment, you no longer want to restrict it. Why would you restrict yourself of nourishment? ⁣Food is not the enemy; it’s our nourishment and our fuel. It’s what connects us. And when you know that you're really and truly serving your body with what you're consuming, there's NO guilt or shame or regret. The only question to ask yourself becomes: will this nourish me? ⁣

Can you feel how important and freeing this shift is?

Everyone deserves to live a life of satisfaction vs deprivation, abundance vs lack, empowerment vs powerlessness. It’s in each of our power to view food as nourishment and in doing so, to stop weighing our portions and obsessing over calories and punishing ourselves at the gym and binging on the weekends. Instead, with this simple yet powerful shift, we can make conscious and aligned choices, fuel our bodies joyfully, and replace food guilt with food freedom.

Ready to become the glowing bride you DESERVE to be? Then I’m ready to guide you there. Take a look at the different ways we can work together here!

Curious to learn more & see if bridal nutrition is right for you? Schedule a FREE clarity call and let’s chat about it!

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