5 Tips for a Healthy Holiday Season

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Hey there, beautiful brides-to-be! (speaking of, not only is it the holiday season, but it’s ENGAGEMENT SEASON too! Did anyone reading this just get engaged?!)

Today, I’ve got some nutrition, wellness, and mindfulness tips for you as we approach the holidays. My hope is that these tips help you set yourself up with a game plan that feels good and attainable — because the amount of stress that many people (women, especially) put themselves through around food and the holidays and their bodies… and the meaning they attach to whether or not they were able to "succeed" with their eating plan during this time... is simply not necessary. 

Wouldn't it feel SO good to, finally, walk into the holidays this year WITHOUT the stress, and without the guilt + shame spiral of years past? 

I’m thinking, yes. It would feel so good, and you so deserve to enjoy the holidays instead of being ridden with stress and anxiety over them. So read on for some tips to help you do just that! 

5 Tips For a Healthy Holiday Season:

1. Be realistic

We can't always be 100% in control of what we eat; we release that control when we go out to restaurants, go to a dinner party... basically, any time we're not cooking our own food from scratch. And that is OKAY. In fact, sometimes it's a good thing. Control and obsession and fear around food are not what we're aiming for here. And so, especially around the holidays, it's important to be realistic with your expectations of how and what you'll be eating. Setting unrealistic expectations is a fast track to disappointment, regret, and guilt. (for example: it’s probably unlikely that you will eat zero sugar on Christmas. So be realistic with that expectation, and set a different one instead - like, maybe, fully enjoy and savor one or two cookies instead of 5.)

2. Conversation over calories

I said this around Thanksgiving time, and I'll say it again. Place your focus on enjoying being with your family and friends instead of obsessing over the calories on your plate. It's so not worth it, and you're fully taking yourself out of the present moment by doing so. As a bonus, when you are relaxed and enjoying yourself, you literally digest your food better. So take your eyes off your portion size and focus them on the person you’re having a conversation with, instead. Food only has power over us when we allow it to.

3. Pause

Pause for a minute before diving into the plate of brownies or second helping of mashed potatoes. Take just a single moment to tune in to your body and notice if you really want it, if you're still even hungry, if you're eating it just because it's there, or whatever else may be going on. And then honor what you hear.

4. Fats and protein

Don't skimp on the healthy fats and protein; these will satiate you and keep you full for much longer than fast-acting carbs. Start with these (and veggies, of course)... and then see how you feel. You'll probably be full and satisfied, and you'll be far less likely to overdo it on the sweet stuff.

5. Let it go

The thing is, stressing about food, feeling guilty about what you ate, and torturing yourself with regret can't change what's already been done. And when you look at your entire lifetime, one little day, even one little week, is nothing more than a teeny tiny blip. We tend to get so STUCK in being good or bad, on or off, black or white… but in reality, there is so much gray area in between, and these little blips in time don't matter as much as we think they do in the moment. 

Personally, I’ll be implementing every single one of these as we head into all the celebrations this week. And rather than becoming overly focused on what I’m eating, I intend to be present, to relax, and to enjoy myself instead. Remember: food is just food. Go easy on yourself, do your best, and have a happy happy holiday. <3

Ready to become the glowing bride you DESERVE to be? Then I’m ready to guide you there. Take a look at the different ways we can work together here!

Curious to learn more & see if bridal nutrition is right for you? Schedule a FREE clarity call and let’s chat about it!

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